
Showing posts from November, 2019

What Not to Say to a Person in a Wheelchair

Image owned by I really debated about publishing this.  I wrote this as a way to process a really awful situation that I found myself in,  when a close friend recommended that I do so.  Many disability bloggers before me have talked about this topic and have even covered some of these themselves as some are really common, and thus, this will not be an exhaustive list of inappropriate comments. There are many more and this post could easily be almost an entire book in itself. For the purpose of this particular piece I will only be focusing on sharing some of the comments that I have received as a wheelchair user; however, I will be doing another piece at a later date that encompasses comments that people with any and all disabilities receive.  Therefore, if you are reading this and are comfortable sharing with me, feel free to direct message me if you are interested in contributing. Without further ado, here are some comments that I have received fairly recently-n

Life Update

It's been a while since my last post.  Being in college takes up the majority of my time these days.  However, I realized that I cannot take long breaks without writing a post here.  This blog has really been therapeutic for me, and last week, it really hit me that I needed to bring these posts back to deal with my stress. I am currently in my Junior year at Penn State.  Things have been going well.  This summer, I participated in three track meets, including Junior Nationals.  At Nationals this last year, I got first in one event and second in the other two!  My former coach has since retired and the search for a new one was daunting, to say the least.  But after a few months of hearing nothing, we finally gained a new coach!  So far, he's great!  Right now we are focusing on building the team and dealing with logistics as we have four new members interested in joining.  Meets will start after the new year. Some of you already know this, but I have also decided to co