
Showing posts from March, 2020

What Elizabeth Warren's Campaign Meant to Me

Image by Washington Post.  Description:  Elizabeth Warren smiling, holding a microphone against an American Flag backdrop This post is going to be a little different than my previous ones.  However, I needed an outlet to write about how I was feeling. Like many others around the nation today, I find myself at a loss for words.  So what do I do when I cannot speak about my feelings?  I write about them.  This morning, Senator Elizabeth Warren decided to suspend her campaign for the presidency.  As many of you know, I identify as a Democrat and have dedicated a large part of my limited free time to volunteering for candidates to help get Democrats elected at the local, state, and this year, national level.  That being said, something that a lot of you may not have known, as I had not discussed this much, was that I fully supported Elizabeth Warren's campaign. I did so, for many reasons.  I had a hard time picking a candidate, especially when the field was so large and filled