
Showing posts from 2020

To One of My Heroes: Thank You.

  I have been absent from this blog as of late.  I had many things I wanted to talk about and post, however, I did not have the motivation to post them.  That changed last night on September 18th.  Ruth Bader Ginsburg, or RBG and the Notorious RBG, as admirers fondly referred to her, passed away surrounded by family yesterday.  Like many others around the nation, I was not okay last night.  Like many others, I went through periods of disbelief, grief, anger, anxiety, and back again.  Today, I am going to do what I always do when I find trouble processing something, and write about it.   Many people who know me are aware that Ruth Bader Ginsburg was one of my heroes.  She was the reason why I have some of the rights that I do.  She even inspired me to go to law school and pursue a career in law myself.  She was a steadfast advocate for so many voices, and I wish I had gotten to meet her at some point in my life.   Throughout her long career on the Supreme Court (27 years), RBG was a fig

What Elizabeth Warren's Campaign Meant to Me

Image by Washington Post.  Description:  Elizabeth Warren smiling, holding a microphone against an American Flag backdrop This post is going to be a little different than my previous ones.  However, I needed an outlet to write about how I was feeling. Like many others around the nation today, I find myself at a loss for words.  So what do I do when I cannot speak about my feelings?  I write about them.  This morning, Senator Elizabeth Warren decided to suspend her campaign for the presidency.  As many of you know, I identify as a Democrat and have dedicated a large part of my limited free time to volunteering for candidates to help get Democrats elected at the local, state, and this year, national level.  That being said, something that a lot of you may not have known, as I had not discussed this much, was that I fully supported Elizabeth Warren's campaign. I did so, for many reasons.  I had a hard time picking a candidate, especially when the field was so large and filled